Taking Care of Feminine Health

Feminine Health

Women’s health is a complex topic that spans many different disciplines. But it is clear that gender differences in disease and disability are significant.

Research that seeks to improve Flower Power the health of women has lagged in recent decades despite advances in medicine. This gap in research can result in major health issues and disparities in treatment that are largely preventable.

Taking care of your feminine health requires knowledge, understanding and action. It involves managing your stress, getting good women’s health care and nurturing yourself as a whole.

Your vagina is a self-cleaning organ that contains a delicate balance of microorganisms, called the vaginal microbiome. Maintaining a healthy vaginal microbiome can help prevent infection, support fertility and improve your overall health.

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The vulva is the outer part of your genitals, including the pubic mound, clitoris and labia, and opening to your vagina (the urinary opening).

You should wash the vulva with warm water using soap (e.g. Dove-Hypoallergenic, Neutrogena, Basis or Pears) and dry it thoroughly. Wear loose-fitting clothing to keep your vulvovaginal area dry.

A lack of a regular feminine hygiene routine can lead to vaginal infections and odors, which can make it harder to enjoy your sexual life. In addition, improper sex habits can lead to vaginal cysts and other conditions. To avoid these, follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Also, don’t smoke or use tobacco products. It’s important to get tested for STDs, know your partner’s history and use latex condoms.

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