Learn About IPQualityScore

Improve your fraud prevention with advanced user & threat intelligence. Learn about IPQualityScore helps you filter out bad users & fraud, including proxy VPN detection and email verification. Our global IP intelligence comes from ISPs, non-profits like ARIN (American Registry for Internet Numbers) and IPQS’ honeypot threat network.

The fraud score shows how risky an IP address is based on a combination of data points, such as verified chargebacks, compromised devices and fake app installs. Premium accounts also get the Bot score, which indicates how frequently the IP address has engaged in suspicious behaviors across our threat network.

Exploring the World of Online Fraud Detection: IPQualityScore

Automate quality control with our suite of fraud prevention tools to prevent bots, phishing and zero day malware with the best accuracy in the industry without affecting the experience for your legitimate customers. Our fraud prevention tools include user validation, payments & transactions, blacklisting and more. Reduce false positives and false negatives with a networked approach that learns from hundreds of millions of user actions per day.

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