Hydrogen Sulfide Monitor
Hydrogen sulfide monitor is an essential piece of equipment for anyone who works in a potentially dangerous environment, such as a sewer or manure pit. This colorless gas, which is also known as stink damp or sour damp, can be deadly in high concentrations. In fact, continuous exposure to this poison can desensitize a person’s sense of smell and render them unconscious in less than five minutes. Fortunately, workers can protect themselves by monitoring H2S levels with personal monitors and following strict safety protocols.
Detection is achieved using electrochemical sensors that react to hydrogen sulfide in the air, generating small electrical currents. The sensors then produce a reading on the screen. Users can adjust these readings based on their environment and the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) set by OSHA. This allows the user to know the exact level of H2S in the air and take steps to evacuate the area or provide additional ventilation before the gas becomes lethal.
Hydrogen Sulfide Monitors: Keeping Your Workplace Safe
Hydrogen sulfide monitors are designed to be worn in a worker’s breathing zone, which OSHA defines as a radius of six to nine inches around the shoulders. These instruments are typically worn in the collar or on a lapel so they can be easily visible, even when the wearer is wearing gloves or in a noisy or bright environment. This location also helps ensure the instrument will be heard if it sounds an alarm, which is often accompanied by visual LED lights and audible buzzers.